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The Best Workouts in LA


If you have resolved to be more mindful of your physical health in the new year, you are probably on the lookout for engaging workouts. Unique fitness classes will keep you coming back week after week, so you can honor your resolution well into the new year. The greater Los Angeles area offers a huge range of workout classes from traditional to out of the ordinary. These are some of our favorite classes that are both fun and demanding!


Muscle Mechanics LA is a private gym for trainers and their clients which maintains a spotless interior featuring high tech cardio machines, a free weight area, jungle gym-style core training equipment, and a beautiful outdoor terrace for stretching and isometric exercises.


Hot 8 Yoga offers a range of hot yoga variations, including the challenging Hot Yoga Barre class. This workout is a combination of yoga, barre work, non-impact cardio and body sculpting exercises, all within a room heated to 104-109 degrees!


Remember the joy of jumping on a trampoline as a kid? Relive that experience while getting a high-intensity workout. Jumping Fitness will work 400 different muscles in a low-impact, stress-relieving workout session.


If you were more of a hula hoop fan as a child, then Hoopnotica is designed for you! This exercise class was born in Venice Beach, but has spread across the world. Check online for Santa Monica meetups with other Hoopnotica enthusiasts.


There is no need to run away with the circus to enjoy the immense physical benefits of the circus arts. Cirque School is taught by circus professionals who will guide you through acrobatics classes, aerial hoop exercises, trapeze and more!


Get a full yoga workout on top of a paddleboard in your YOGAqua class. You will be taken through a full Vinyasa Yoga flow while floating on the harbor.

What is your favorite workout in LA? Is it one of these fun classes or did we miss your favorite? Let us know in the comment section!

About the Author

Ernie Carswell is one of the most accomplished and respected real estate agents in the industry today. With more than 25 years of experience in the business, Carswell’s extensive roster of satisfied clientele includes the likes of Fortune 500 CEOs, professional entertainers, top studio executives, leading attorneys, government officials, ambassadors, and foreign dignitaries.Carswell is one of the most admired names in luxury real estate and frequently receives accolades for his outstanding work in the press. He has been included in The Hollywood Reporter’s “Hollywood’s Top 25 Real Estate Agents” listing, in Variety’s feature on “Showbiz Real Estate Elite,” Billboard’s coverage of the “Top 15 Real Estate Agents Representing Musicians Today,” and was ranked in the top 100 Agents in the nation by the Wall Street Journal’s Real Trends.