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Drought-Resistant Landscaping Choices

Even though Southern California has seen more rain in the past months than we have become accustomed to in the past years, it is still smart to choose drought-resistant plants for your landscaping. By making smart choices, you can still have a beautiful, colorful yard even without the traditional green lawn.

Arid Plants

When you are choosing landscaping for drought-prone regions, arid plants like cacti, succulents, and penstemon are perfect choices. These plants thrive in low-moisture environments, but still add color and texture to your landscaping.

Native Trees

Choosing larger landscaping items like trees can be a daunting task because you are investing a greater amount of money into a plant that may or may not survive. When you choose trees native to the region, your odds of success are much higher. Take the time to research which species are native to your area and go from there.


Ornamental grasses can add drama to a flower bed. Their height and fluidity are a welcome addition to drought-friendly landscaping. Choose varieties that are marked as drought-tolerant for best results.

Ground Covers

Standard grass lawns are difficult to maintain when water use is restricted. Consider swapping out the grass for a drought-tolerant ground cover. These plants not only add color and life to your yard, but they can also control erosion on your property.

Native Wildflowers from Seed

The easiest option for planting flowerbeds may be to scatter the seeds of local wildflowers. These plants frequently reseed the area so that they will bloom year after year.

Will you be transitioning to a drought resistant landscape? Choose one of the options above to make your yard as beautiful as those that use traditional landscape choices. If we all do our part to conserve water with landscaping, the entire state will reap the benefits.

About the Author

Ernie Carswell is one of the most accomplished and respected real estate agents in the industry today. With more than 25 years of experience in the business, Carswell’s extensive roster of satisfied clientele includes the likes of Fortune 500 CEOs, professional entertainers, top studio executives, leading attorneys, government officials, ambassadors, and foreign dignitaries.Carswell is one of the most admired names in luxury real estate and frequently receives accolades for his outstanding work in the press. He has been included in The Hollywood Reporter’s “Hollywood’s Top 25 Real Estate Agents” listing, in Variety’s feature on “Showbiz Real Estate Elite,” Billboard’s coverage of the “Top 15 Real Estate Agents Representing Musicians Today,” and was ranked in the top 100 Agents in the nation by the Wall Street Journal’s Real Trends.