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Best Places to Volunteer on Thanksgiving in LA

Give thanks by giving back this holiday season! From donating food to serving meals to the homeless, it’s easy to get involved and give back to others. The last half of the word Thanksgiving is in fact “giving”. So embrace the spirit of giving and pick one of our favorite places to volunteer on Thanksgiving in Los Angeles.

Food on Foot

Food on Foot is a non-profit organization who help the homeless of Los Angeles by providing meals, clothing, jobs and more to those in need. They will be distributing hot meals, bus tokens and sleeping bags to more than 350 people in Hollywood this Thanksgiving and are always looking for volunteers! From 2 – 5 pm on Thursday, you can help them feed the poor and homeless this season. To sign up to be a volunteer on Thanksgiving Day with Food on Foot, visit their website HERE.

Union Station Homeless Services

Union Station Homeless Services has been hosting holiday events for the homeless for 76 years now. This year, they will be holding Thanksgiving Dinner in the Park at Pasadena Central Park to provide thousands of meals for the homeless, low-income families, seniors and more. In addition to volunteering your time, you are also welcome to donate money, pies or anything on their Thanksgiving Wish List. For more information on how to volunteer or become a sponsor for this year’s event, visit their website HERE.

Los Angeles Mission Thanksgiving

Founded in 1936, the Los Angeles Mission has given more than 375,000 meals throughout the years. Not only do they serve meals to those in need, they also accept donations of food, clothing and gifts. Celebrities also make an appearance at several Los Angeles Mission events, helping serve more than 3,000 pounds of turkey to those on Skid Row in past years. You are also welcome to donate a Thanksgiving meal if you can’t be there in person. To volunteer or donate to this year’s Thanksgiving Day, visit their website HERE.

Whether you’re looking to serve meals to the homeless or simply donate food, there are so many places looking for volunteers on Thanksgiving Day in Los Angeles. What are you most thankful for this year?

About the Author

Ernie Carswell is one of the most accomplished and respected real estate agents in the industry today. With more than 25 years of experience in the business, Carswell’s extensive roster of satisfied clientele includes the likes of Fortune 500 CEOs, professional entertainers, top studio executives, leading attorneys, government officials, ambassadors, and foreign dignitaries.Carswell is one of the most admired names in luxury real estate and frequently receives accolades for his outstanding work in the press. He has been included in The Hollywood Reporter’s “Hollywood’s Top 25 Real Estate Agents” listing, in Variety’s feature on “Showbiz Real Estate Elite,” Billboard’s coverage of the “Top 15 Real Estate Agents Representing Musicians Today,” and was ranked in the top 100 Agents in the nation by the Wall Street Journal’s Real Trends.