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Meet Edward Kubow

Edward has real estate in his DNA; it is a lifelong passion and as such it is both a personal and a professional interest. Edward grew-up helping his parents manage their multi-family assets in Montreal, Canada where real estate investment was often dinner-table talk; he even helped to sell his first house at the age of 10, when he staged his family’s home for sale (before staging was a thing and raising eyebrows moving furniture around) and toured the couple who ended-up being the buyers.

Based in Los Angeles for 20 years Edward is as enchanted by the City of Angels now as he was when he first arrived: with its unconventional and expansive urban environment and unique built form, LA fascinates because of a glamorous Hollywood history and a California lifestyle that has shaped a very special heritage of architecture - especially residential.

After a stint in entertainment as an agent trainee at the William Morris Agency, Edward pivoted to real estate, getting his feet wet in Los Angeles real estate working with investors bidding on residential foreclosures on the courthouse steps in Norwalk to acquiring debt from regional lenders and making plays on a variety of distressed assets in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Edward has a breadth of knowledge about real estate that surpasses residential sales: he has flipped homes, developed small infill projects in inner city LA neighborhoods, and as a development executive in the hotel sector, he has assembled and conceived hospitality projects. Edward has worn every hat in real estate and because of this experience, he brings a unique perspective to the table along with a creative mindset and a strong work ethic.

Edward received his Undergraduate degree in Communications from McGill University and his MBA from Loyola Marymount University where he double-majored in marketing and real estate finance. He is trilingual (English, French, Polish).

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